Skin Lesion Biopsy: What Are the Types of Skin Lesion


Learning from your doctor that you need to undergo a skin biopsy to know your skin problem’s condition can be daunting. We understand that there are risks in a skin lesion biopsy.

As visiting doctors, we have encountered similar concerns — the fear of bleeding and infection during and after the procedure. This is normal in skin lesion biopsy because this medical procedure involves breaking the skin. Thus, your skin is exposed to bleeding, infections, and scarring.

Don’t worry. Our visiting doctors and practitioners in San Antonio, Texas, will make sure to avoid these incidents from happening.

There are different types of skin lesion biopsy. The process will depend on the condition of your skin issue. Here are some of the possible methods of collecting a skin sample for biopsy:

  • In shave biopsy, the doctor will remove only the outermost layers of your skin. A special razor, blade, or scalpel is what we use in performing the procedure.
  • In punch biopsy, the doctor will use a small tube-like instrument with a sharp end to get a small part of your skin.
  • Excisional is the general procedure done to remove the entire lesion. Removing the lesion means the doctor can go deeply as necessary.
  • Incisional biopsy is done to remove a small part of the larger lesion.

Visiting Practitioners & Palliative Care LLC can help you solve your skin lesion problems. We have house call doctors in Texas that can attend to your healthcare needs.

Aside from the medical services we can offer, we also provide palliative care for your loved ones. Discover more about us here on our website. Please feel free to leave us a message for questions and inquiries or schedule an appointment with us.

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